
Vesta’s corporate culture promotes preservation and care for the environment, particularly at our industrial parks and properties. This includes habitat preservation and wildlife biodiversity, collaborating with our stakeholders.

Our commitment is to:

  • Reduce developments’ ecological impact by promoting bioclimatic-designed building construction
  • Leverage innovative technologies to measure and reduce water and energy consumption 
  • Promote the reuse and/or recycling of waste and materials, classified waste disposal, and mitigate impact on developments’ landfill
  • Participate in and implement climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives

Our operations do not affect natural habitats or threatened species.

Vesta’s operations do not adversely impact natural habitats or threatened species.

Sustainable construction is based on Vesta Sustainable Construction Manual specifications which are aligned with international standards and global best practice and is carried out by our contractors.

Impacts are measured throughout the construction process; contractors are required to document any potential environmental, social and governance issues via a checklist.

Environmental impacts associated with construction, property-use, and also, future demolition are therefore anticipated and mitigated.

Sustainable Construction Manual

Vesta’s Sustainable Construction Manual encompasses the following:

  • Water
    • Use of water-efficient fixtures
    • Landscaping using native or adaptive vegetation
    • Minimum potable water consumed for irrigation, includes the use of treated water
    • Rainwater harvesting
    • Wastewater treatment
  • Energy and Atmosphere
    • Specifying materials to be used for the outside of buildings, such as walls, roofs, and windows, in order to improve the building’s energy performance
    • High efficiency HVAC systems and lighting that reduce energy use in the building and maintains an optimum level of comfort and lighting
    • LED lighting system for outdoor lighting in industrial parks and buildings
    • Renewable energy systems for electricity use
  • Material and Resources
    • Use of environmentally friendly materials, local materials and recyclable materials
    • Efficient waste management during the construction process
  • Indoor Environmental quality
    • Low VOC emissions materials to improve user health and productivity
    • Maximize of the use of natural lighting
    • Air control quality and indoor thermal comfort
  • Innovation in Design
    • Maintenance and green cleaning plan for sustainable buildings based on the “GreenSeal” standards, which regulate ecological and sustainable products Plan implementation
    • Sustainable education outreach program to promote the benefits of sustainable development and certification
  • Sustainable Sites
    • Take measures to reduce pollution and the impact on the construction site, such as introducing erosion and sedimentation control plans
    • Specify the use of surface materials that help control our development’s rainwater quantity and reduce the heat island effect of our developments
    • Promote the use of alternative means of transportation

Examples of how Vesta’s potential environmental impact is mitigated:

LED public lighting:
that makes energy performance efficient.
Power panels:
Photovoltaics in buildings.
Benefits for the community:

Public lighting, repair of access roads.

Reduction of water use:
Waste water treatment plant, treated water line for irrigation.
Design for stormwater management:

Quantity control and retention ponds.

Recreative areas
  • Bike storage and locker rooms
  • Parking for efficient vehicles

That avoid the heat island effect.

with thermal insulation

Climate Change and Resilience

At Vesta, we recognize that climate change is a reality. Therefore, since 2019 we have carried out a maturity analysis of climate-related risks and opportunities in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Based on this analysis, we created a transition, physical, and social risk matrix for each area of the company to lay the foundation for our resilience and climate change strategy.

We also have created a physical risks matrix for each property (parks and offices) and the consequent Emergency Plans.

We demonstrate our commitment to the Paris Agreement through:

  • Reducing our carbon footprint and promoting renewable energy in our portfolio.
  • Establishing long-term objectives and processes to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Managing climate risks by identifying prevention, mitigation, and response actions, involving the most important areas of the company. Inventory of Emissions and Consumption (Link to download document)

Letter of Commitment to the Paris Agreement
Emissions Inventory
Recalculation Policy

Building and Operations Certifications

We contribute to the creation of energy- and water-efficient spaces through the implementation of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certifications in new constructions and operational certifications, including EDGE Certifications, Boma Best, and LEED O+M Certifications.

Additionally, 100% of our building inventory was constructed under internal "eco-efficient" guidelines.


Alamar 1 Donwload
Ciudad Juárez TPI Donwload
Ciudad Juárez TPI 3 Donwload
Matamoros TPI Donwload
Parque Aeroespacial LJ85 Donwload
Parque Aeroespacial MA-2 Donwload
Parque Aeroespacial SP3 Donwload
Vesta Pacífico II Donwload
Vesta Park Juárez EXP Donwload
Vesta Park SLP-03 Donwload
VP Guadalupe 01 Donwload
Vesta Park Puebla 03 Donwload
Vesta Q4 Donwload
VESTA PARK GDL 1 - NAVE 01 Donwload
Vesta Park Puebla BTS Donwload
Vesta Park Alamar II Donwload
Vesta Juárez las Torres IV Donwload