Certifications and Rankings
S&P Global publishes this annual report that ranks companies based on their commitment and excellence in social and environmental performance.
GRESB is an organization specialized in the industrial sector that assesses the ASG performance of global assets. It emphasizes measuring the absolute performance of participants and investors.
It measures the performance of stocks in the S&P/BMV Total Mexico Index and evaluates and recognizes our efforts in environmental, social, and corporate governance matters.
It evaluates companies' sustainability management in areas such as environment, business ethics, human and labor rights, and sustainable procurement.
Since 2020, Vesta has been part of this network of Principles for Responsible Investment, an independent body that promotes the use of responsible investment criteria by investors.
A nonprofit organization that builds and accelerates collaborative actions among investors, companies, and governments for a sustainable economy for current and future generations, by measuring and understanding their environmental impact.
An initiative by the UN Global Compact to accelerate women's representation and leadership in businesses. Vesta joined in 2021.
Women's Empowerment Principles
The WEPs provide a holistic framework for businesses to promote gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
This recognition is granted by the AMPIP, recognizing the companies for their commitment to sustainability, social well-being and best governance practices.