Talento Vesta

Dynamic and highly trained talent

We work with an innovative spirit that allows us to align our objectives with what our investors and other interest groups are looking for, thanks to the expert and dedicated work of our collaborators.

Thanks to their leadership, our collaborators have made us one of the most important companies in the industrial real estate sector nationwide.

We continue to develop new work methodologies inspired by the different generations to which our collaborators belong.

Vesta is a hotbed of talent.

We recruit recent graduates to join our Young Talents program where they develop their potential by joining the world of work.

Constant training.

Through the Training Needs Detection (DNC) program, the needs of our staff are detected and the training they need to perform their duties successfully is provided. With this, they also have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and thus meet their professional goals.

Personal development, collective growth

Development plans are designed individually for each collaborator's work area. We promote growth to other positions and/or to become business partners of the organization.

Certified offices for well-being.

The hallmarks of the WELL Building Institute™ in our offices are part of our commitment to the comprehensive well-being of our employees. Our offices in Mexico City and Querétaro are WELL Building Standard® certified.

All our offices have an environment focused on the well-being of our employees.

  • We take care of air and water quality.
  • We grant incentives to practice physical activity and thus combat a sedentary lifestyle.
  • We promote awareness activities that emphasize the importance of mental health in addition to healthy sleep policies.
  • We offer healthy snacks for our employees and promote a healthy diet.
  • We offer accessories and monitors that help a better performance of physical activity.
  • We promote volunteer campaigns and organizational transparency.
  • We regulate the light and we have a design of work areas that help maintain a healthy body circadian rhythm.
  • We improve acoustic, ergonomic, olfactory and thermal comfort to facilitate productivity and reduce distractions and disruptions.
  • Our brigades are ready to respond to emergencies within our facilities and reduce risks.

Benefits greater than those established by law

  • Competitive salaries
  • Insurance for major medical expenses
  • Life insurance
  • Vacations with additional days
  • Christmas bonus
  • OCT
  • Productivity bonuses
  • Gas and grocery vouchers
  • Maternity and paternity leave
  • Flexible hours for mothers who return to work during the first 6 months after the disability established by law

We have a Well-being, Health and Safety Program for our employees

We provide training in civil protection, first aid and basic life support to our employees. Thus, we formed a brigade that is prepared to respond to evacuations and emergencies that may arise in our facilities, seeking to minimize the risk of workplace accidents. ​ We also conducted a psychosocial risk survey to find out the factors that most affect our employees and determine an action plan that allows us to prevent or mitigate them. As a result of this survey we found three main psychosocial risks:


Work Hours

Balance of work and family life

In this regard, we undertook various actions to address these risks, including updating the psychosocial risk prevention policy in each workplace, carrying out medical and psychological evaluations, wellness talks focused on these issues, and an app to follow up on actions raised in talks, among other things.

Given the current global scenario, we are agents of change

We have designed a protocol for the application of operating standards to take care of the health of all of us who work at Vesta and our environment

We make sure that the return to our offices is under the best possible sanitary conditions. The protocol is based on medical recommendations, guidelines from the authorities and our values

Operating Standards

Health and Safety