
Responsible Consumption: 5 Facts You Didn't Know About Water

If all the water in the world were inside a bucket, only a spoonful were drinkable water.

Over time, rational water consumption has gained greater relevance in the global landscape. Here are some facts about what happens with water:

  • It is estimated that 97.5% of the world is saltwater. To put this into perspective, it's like if all the water in the world were inside a bucket, and only a spoonful were drinkable water.
  • By the 20th century, water consumption increased sixfold compared to previous centuries due to the world population tripling. In the next 50 years, the population is projected to grow by 40 to 50%.
  • 1/8 of the world's population lacks access to clean water, which represents more than 884 million people.
  • Every 20 seconds, a child dies in the world from drinking contaminated water.
  • While the population in Europe consumes 200 liters of water per capita per day, the US uses 400 liters.

It goes without saying that we cannot live without water. By becoming aware of its importance in the development of our lives, we must focus more efforts on taking care of it.

Water conservation by each one of us is crucial, as the individual waste is very high.
