

However, the effects of climate change, which have become increasingly evident year after year, as well as the work and high visibility of leaders like Greta Thunberg, have made us aware of the damage to the planet and the social impacts of excessive consumerism. They are transforming consumption trends.

Let's make a difference. We have spent over a decade living in a consumption pattern where we satisfy all our whims through on-demand services. This has transformed our expectations, focusing them on our convenience.

However, the effects of climate change, which have become increasingly evident year after year, as well as the work and high visibility of leaders like Greta Thunberg, have made us aware of the damage to the planet and the social impacts of excessive consumerism. They are transforming consumption trends.

We are at a turning point in our journey as humans on this blue planet. In the UK, 23% of people consider the environment and climate change as the most important issues facing their country, reaching the highest level of awareness on these aspects in 30 years.

Microsoft has announced its plans to achieve a negative carbon footprint by 2030, and the World Economic Forum has declared that businesses must serve society and the planet, not just shareholders. At Vesta, we have aligned our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) efforts with our Level 3 business strategy for the coming years.

It's time for ALL of us to take radical actions. Have you ever thought about the privilege of not having to walk 8 hours to get a bucket of drinking water, of being able to eat multiple times a day, of traveling in your car wherever you want? Have you reflected on the fact that future generations may not be able to survive or at least live the lifestyle we currently have?

Each of us must change our habits. Recycle, reuse, and reduce; change your mode of transportation (less car and less plane), your use of energy and water at home (use solar energy), and your consumption of goods and services (consider the consequences of what you buy and eat)... There are many individual measures that, although they may seem small, add up. Companies are already transforming their actions.

With information from Trendwatching and the BBC.