
The challenge of continued growth: Vesta and the automotive sector in San Luis Potosí.

In San Luis Potosí, the sales of automotive parts and accessories lead the exports (US$1,138 million), bringing with it the subsequent challenges of constant and increasingly competitive growth that extend to logistics, infrastructure, specialized workforce, and other areas.

The automotive industry is the main driver of development in the state. The two established automakers, BMW and General Motors, require the dynamism of their suppliers.

Everything indicates that the immediate future will lead the automakers to transform some production lines towards the manufacturing of electric vehicles, which implies a challenge for the suppliers to convert their production to new technologies. This adds pressure, which involves changes such as supply chain reconfiguration, use of clean energy, and dual education with educational institutions to ensure the type and level of specialized workforce required to achieve this transformation.

Therefore, one of the resources whose use has recently intensified is the establishment of strategic alliances between universities and companies. In Mexico, only 7 out of the 32 states have this type of alliance. Beyond internships, these programs help develop unique skills among students to generate innovation in companies through the use of platforms, leadership development, productivity improvement, and specific knowledge training. For example, Bosch has a collaboration agreement with the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, where continuing education, internships, and support for sports are encouraged.

It is also necessary to have the necessary infrastructure to expand the operations of existing supplier companies or attract new ones to the region. Vesta offers world-class facilities ready to be occupied by top manufacturers in the sector, logistics, or e-commerce, successfully operating in San Luis Potosí for over 20 years with a rentable gross area of over 1.5 million square feet.